Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Our desire is for the community of Southampton, all of Bermuda, and the world to be impacted by the gospel of Jesus Christ for the Glory of God. Our motivation comes from Christ's instruction to go and make disciples through teaching, fellowship, service, accountability, encouragement and prayer.

Active Missionaries

Mark and Pam Hall
Mark is the Regional Director for the Caribbean area and has been serving with Word of Life in Bermuda since 1991 with emphasis on youth ministry.

Edward and Socorro Lightbourne
Edward is the Local Church Ministry Coordinator and has been serving in the islands of Bermuda with Word of Life since 1998 with emphasis on youth ministry.
Annamarie Trott
Malachi Hall
Annamarie became a Word of Life Bermuda missionary in April of 2011.
Malachi Hall serves with Word of Life Fellowship in Bermuda

Rafael and Mary Restrepo
Dr. Stephen & Rachel George
Rafael and Mary Restrepo serve with AMG International in Spain. Rafael has been serving in Spain since 1995 with outreach to Cuba and North Africa doing Church Planting, youth work, children's ministry, home Bible studies and discipleship programs.
Dr. Stephen & Rachel George serve with Asian Christian Academy of India

Jim & Jean Gillett
Jim & Jean Gillett serve with Ireland Outreach