D. Troy Hassell
Teaching Pastor
Pastor Troy Hassell and his wife Carol, have 4 children, Brittany, Katrina, Nicholas, and Jonah. He has been serving in full time ministry here at Calvary Gospel Chapel since 2000.
In the spring of 1976 after hearing the Good News of the Gospel, that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again for sinners, he came to faith in Christ. He was later baptized and discipled to grow in his walk of faith for three years. His growth led him to further his studies oversees beginning with Word of Life Bible Institute in 1983, Calvary Bible College and Seminary in 1985, masters degrees from PBU now Carin University in 1997 and Knox Theological Seminary in 2017.
At Calvary Gospel Chapel Pastor Troy is the primary bible preacher/teacher. He also oversees all pre-marriage, marriage, family and crisis counseling. In addition, he oversees the intentional pastoral and discipleship ministry and related ministries to our wider church community.
In the spring of 1976 after hearing the Good News of the Gospel, that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and rose again for sinners, he came to faith in Christ. He was later baptized and discipled to grow in his walk of faith for three years. His growth led him to further his studies oversees beginning with Word of Life Bible Institute in 1983, Calvary Bible College and Seminary in 1985, masters degrees from PBU now Carin University in 1997 and Knox Theological Seminary in 2017.
At Calvary Gospel Chapel Pastor Troy is the primary bible preacher/teacher. He also oversees all pre-marriage, marriage, family and crisis counseling. In addition, he oversees the intentional pastoral and discipleship ministry and related ministries to our wider church community.

Randy Trott
Associate Pastor
Pastor Randy grew up the second son in the home of a family who loved him, but did not know Jesus Christ personally. He was, however, sent to Sunday school by his grandmother.
Years later, at age 25 years on a Sunday morning in the spring - May 5, 1974 to be exact – He can remember hearing the gospel presented simply and clearly in a small Gospel chapel in Paget, Bermuda. Then and there, he made a decision then to put his faith in Jesus Christ and trust Him for salvation.
For Pastor Randy, it is a joy looking back to see how the Holy Spirit was preparing him for where he is today - by the Christians God brought into his life, and eventually his wife Penny.
"I have grown so much in the Lord and have experienced His faithfulness and loving kindness. It is a privilege to serve him in ministry as I continue to grow in Him and serve the Body, the Church."
Years later, at age 25 years on a Sunday morning in the spring - May 5, 1974 to be exact – He can remember hearing the gospel presented simply and clearly in a small Gospel chapel in Paget, Bermuda. Then and there, he made a decision then to put his faith in Jesus Christ and trust Him for salvation.
For Pastor Randy, it is a joy looking back to see how the Holy Spirit was preparing him for where he is today - by the Christians God brought into his life, and eventually his wife Penny.
"I have grown so much in the Lord and have experienced His faithfulness and loving kindness. It is a privilege to serve him in ministry as I continue to grow in Him and serve the Body, the Church."
Meet the team.

Torrey Usher
Youth Pastor

Tim Usher
Associate Pastor

Anthony Phillip
Chairman and Associate Pastor

Clinard Gaiton
Associate Pastor